Visit to the Residence of the US Embasst Charge d’Affaires

On December 19, 2023, Mike Mansfield, GRUNI’s distinguished American language expert and Adviser to the Rector, graced a reception hosted by Alan Purcell, the Chargé d’Affaires of the United States of America Embassy. The event served as a reception in honor of Fulbright Program Participants and their representatives in affiliated universities.

An integral component of the discussion was the noteworthy “English Language Fellow“ program, which provides Georgian universities with the invaluable chance to host American specialists. These specialists immerse themselves in the latest methodologies for enhancing English language communication skills among academic staff and students, actively participating in diverse projects and scientific activities.

During the gathering, the Adviser to the Rector, in conversation with GRUNI’s language expert, Mike Mansfield, expounded on both implemented projects and those envisioned for the future. Profound gratitude was extended to Mr. Purcell and the entire embassy for this extraordinary opportunity.

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