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Inspiring Minds, Transforming Education

Welcome to Grigol Robakidze University, we believe in the power of education to transform lives. Our commitment to excellence in learning and teaching creates an environment where students thrive, faculty excel, and knowledge flourishes. Explore our Learning and Teaching Hub to discover the innovative approaches and resources that define our educational philosophy.

About Service

Quality Assurance Service

Grigol Robakidze University was the first who initiated and established the Academic Quality Management centre in 2001. It should be admitted that the Law of Georgia on Higher Education issued in 2005 obligates universities to have such a service.

The centre was established within the framework of the project of European Union –Tempus TACIS and was practically realized at Grigol Robakidze university by help of our partner Nottingham Trent and Lund Universities.

The meticulously done job performed by the center resulted in the implementation of the European system of learning/teaching, assessment, and credit transfer (ECTS). The center highly appreciates the support received from the partner universities and expresses gratitude to all participants of the project:  Mfr. Colin Love Mrs. Jack Stevens, Mr. Jan Hellberg. Special thanks to Mr. Trevor Cartledge who personally participated in the process of formation of academic programmes and assessment systems.

In 2005 the centre was renamed “Quality Assurance Service”.

Goals and duty

The main goal of the centre is to work out academic standards, and provide monitoring on the process of its realization.

Consequently the centre:

  • Proceeds working on establishing the academic standards of high efficiency.
  • Organizes the process of studying and sharing teachers’ experience
  • Sets the innovative techniques in learning/teaching
  • Supports the professional development of the teaching  and scientific staff
  • Analyzes the process of student development and supports creating structures necessary for their development


The Managing body of the center is the Committee of Academic Quality Management presided by the director.

The center operates in three different  offices

  • Professional development office
  • Learning/teaching office
  • Inner accreditation office

Experts working for the centre provide consulting services to the university staff and all interested applicants

The director is Mogeli Shengelia – assistant – professor. He is a Grigol Robakidze University graduate. He worked in the Ministry of Economy of Abkhazia, then he was a dean of the faculty of Business and Economy, participated in the working process of consulting and organizing the board within the framework of the EU project.

Professional Development

At the Centre of Academic Quality Management Professional Development Office is functioning. It aims at monitoring and supporting the process of raising the professional skills of the teaching and scientific staff.

The programs have different directions:

  • Critical thinking and active learning at the institutions of higher education
  • Developing informative – -technological skills, skills for utilizing  library resources
  • Using Computer technologies in teaching

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