Welcome to the Research Hub!

Pushing Boundaries, Igniting Discovery

Welcome to Grigol Robakidze University, curiosity isn’t just a spark, it’s a raging inferno driving us to push the boundaries of knowledge and ignite groundbreaking discoveries. Our research endeavors span across diverse disciplines, united by a common goal: shaping a brighter future through innovation and impactful solutions.


Functions of the Centre

Ensuring the determination of the scientific-research policy and scientific priorities.

  1. Coordination/management of scientific-research activities of staff members and students.
  2. Obtaining information concerning local and international grant contests and ensuring its availability.
  3. Organizing scientific forums for staff members and students.
  4. Monitoring the activities of the university scientific-research centres and laboratories.
  5. Monitoring the library funds. Carrying out appropriate arrangements for the purpose of providing the library with scientific book and digital resources.
  6. Carrying out the activities necessary for contributing to staff members’ and students’ scientific mobility.
  7. Working out and implementing joint scientific-research projects with foreign educational centres.
  8. Forming the examination assessment system of scientific-research work and works and practically accomplishing it together with the quality assurance service.
  9. Carrying our certain arrangements for encouraging students to be involved in scientific-research projects together with professors.
  10. Ensuring the availability of staff members’ and PhD students’ scientific-research projects to broad society.

Funding for research and initiatives

Scientific Research and Creative Initiative Development Foundation

The Scientific Research and Creative Initiative Development Foundation is designed to support research and creative initiatives by academic and visiting staff and students.

Within the Foundation, the issue of project financing is decided by a collegial body – the Committee for Scientific Research and Creative Initiative Development.

What does a research project mean?

Carrying out any scientific research and preparing / publishing the results of this research in various formats (monograph, article, report, preparation / implementation of international scientific projects, trip to a scientific conference, implementation of international scientific and academic mobility, etc.).

What does creative initiative mean?

Any initiative that will promote:

  • Students’ academic / scientific progress (preparation and publication of textbooks / support manuals, organization of student scientific conferences, finding / establishing international connections, preparation / publication of study-methodological papers, etc.);
  • Development of scientific capacities of academic and invited staff (initiation of creation of scientific units, organization of scientific conferences, etc.);
  • Development professional of academic and invited staff (organization of training and seminars, participation in international and local training/seminars, including trips to foreign institutions, publication of methodological recommendations/experiences as an article, etc.)
  • Promotion of a healthy lifestyle / implementation of relevant activities – organization of students’ cognitive, cultural and sports events;
  • Formation / deepening of national and democratic values ​​among students;
  • Develop motivation for diversity and empathy and support for people in general;
  • Community development;
  • Improving the activities of the university and the university community (staff, students).

Who can submit a project?

The project can be submitted by Gruni students, staff, academic and visiting staff. The project can be individual or group. A group project participant may be an outside party with a group of students or staff. Priority is given to joint projects of staff and students.

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